
 KittieFight is Mortal Kombat for Cryptokitties.

About kittieFIGHT

Cat fight is a game where cats / kittens fight against each other based on crowd based action. Just like how a cheering crowd at a boxing match motivates boxers to box, in the case of kittyFight, the crowd is betting on every cat they support, causing their cat to become another opponent. The people / crowd chooses which cats to bet on, resulting in action on the side of the chosen cat. The actions are random bets placed on the blockchain. The result of each crowd participant's bet results in the event being transmitted from the blockchain api service to the front-end / UX resulting in kitty animation (punching, scratching, etc.).

If there is no action for 10 seconds [No event is emitted from the blockchain for 10 seconds], there is a simulated action called “silent action-with sound and reaction” which each cat takes in turn. Basically, during the idling cycle, the cat shadows squares at each other, and avoids the action / punches with a slight crouch, but keeps the interactivity and continuity of the game going, to keep the game fun without any actual damage. The winner of this game is the cat that takes the least damage.

KittieFIGHT will be a welcome addition to the blockchain gaming industry. Taking existing projects to a new level and introducing popular concepts on them will attract a large number of players.

For many people, blockchain gaming is not yet a priority. For others, this has proven to be a good way to make money from size. KittieFIGHT focuses on this last aspect by raising the bar exponentially. 

About kittieFIGHT

KittieFight is Mortal Kombat for Cryptokitties. In the kittieFIGHT game, ETH & KTY tokens are given out and shared among the winning group / coalition of fighting matches using special battle kittie avatars originating from the Cryptokitties platform. There is an Eth & KTY token jackpot to win in every game. All participants in the game have a 50% chance of being on the winning side. This is also an experiment in group psychology with two opposing coalition groups at odds with each other over large sums of money. You can read more about that in the whitepaper

The tools needed to play

  • Metamask
  • KTY token (Rinkeby)
  • Ether (Rinkeby)

Kittiefight on the Rinkeby Ethereum Testnet

Go to  and install metamask for chrome or Firefox. Create a password and seed, then select and maintain an Ethereum address for in-game use. The KittieFIGHT smart contract is currently being used to the Rinkeby testnet, so make sure your metamask wallet is set to Rinkeby.

Blockchain Gaming So far

Several initiatives have been launched to usher in the blockchain gaming era. Some of these projects were more successful than others, which is normal for specialized industries. Especially trading card games, such as Spells of Genesis and Gods Unchained, have attracted a lot of attention. Their main benefit is how all cards are issued on the blockchain, giving players the option to trade or sell them as they see fit. 

Another successful blockchain gaming venture focuses on digital collections. CryptoBeasties and CryptoKitties are by far the most famous examples. Despite their success, these games haven't calmed down investors much, they are primarily designed for game enthusiasts who happen to own cryptocurrency, catering to a more general crowd would require a very different approach. 

KittieFIGHT Is a Different Breed

While KittieFIGHT builds further on some of the aspects that CryptoKitties introduced, this new game isn't about collecting digital cats or trading cards. Instead, it's a pure fighting game where the digital cats will be pitted against one another. Players are invited to place Ethereum bets to support their favorite competitors. More importantly, this approach gives players the option of getting lucrative prizes, something that has not been possible in blockchain games until recently.

Another aspect that makes KittieFIGHT a unique breed is how it combines several aspects of decentralized finance, or DeFi. It is a very popular industry, attracting billions in value over the last few months. Combining this aspect with blockchain gaming can make for a very powerful and attractive project. This is one of the aspects that makes KittieFIGHT worth paying attention to, although there are some other useful aspects as well. 

Volcanic Eruption

That  aspect of  KittieFIGHT's agricultural output should not be underestimated. This is a really interesting way to get users to know the ecosystem, as well as a great way to start earning native tokens. Before Volcano can start, there will be an initial token distribution for KTY, the native ecosystem token. Via a Dutch auction, users can terminate  Ethereum bids for a period of two weeks. This ensures  the  member community can determine the token price, rather than being determined arbitrarily by the market. 

Contributors who provide liquidity will benefit from the “Volcano” incentive program. Incentivizing on-chain liquidity ensures the audience can engage with the platform at any given time. Those providing liquidity - right before the  Dutch Auction  concludes - can earn up to 6,000% in additional KTY governance tokens and DAOs. This is an important aspect of the initial rollout, and one that will provide sufficient governance power to early contributors. 

KTY tokens - distributed during Volcano and beyond - will be used as payment for utility fees on the KittieFIGHT platform. Although tokens do not need to be earned to participate in the betting action, they are valuable tokens to hold. Both long-term investors and farmers from DeFi will benefit from what KTY has to offer. 

Steps to participate in the game:

  1. Get KTY Tokens and Ether
  2. Registering your Rinkeby Ethereum Address
  3. Join the team
  4. Starting the Game
  5. Place a bet
  6. Check your ranking
  7. Increase the chances of winning as a team
  8. Finish the game
  9. Winners withdraw income
  10. Losers go to KittieHELL forever!

CryptoKitties Fight to the Death

On paper, it may seem strange to let the digital cats on the blockchain fight each other, KittieFIGHT ensures that this will come true. All battles are fought to the death, because the winner must be determined. Fans and bettors will provide the necessary support to reach a conclusion. Placing an Ether bet on someone's favorite cat will ensure it can put in some fighting action for a potential winner.

This betting aspect is another beneficial aspect of this new platform. While all fights are funded by independent banks - funded by lenders on platforms that receive weekly returns in return - the goal is to get the initial jackpot to swell to 10 times its normal size. Once the jackpot reaches this level, a winner will be decided, providing players and lenders a very profitable stream of income. 

In action

It is clear that KittieFIGHT provides players with all the tools necessary to make money. Whether one wants to be involved in yield farming, betting, or providing liquidity, there are options to choose from. Being involved in a Dutch auction ensures users can pick up some KTY tokens at an early stage, which could become tokens of speculative value in the future. 

KittieFIGHT will be a welcome addition to the blockchain gaming industry. Taking existing projects to a new level and introducing popular concepts on them will attract a lot of attention. A Dutch auction is worthy of anyone's agenda, either to get involved in the action or to witness the results and start pitting collected CryptoKitties against each other. 

About the KTY Gamified token.

KTY Token Utility.

KittieFIGHT DAO tokens and ETHER prizes.
For more information, please visit the link:

Facebook:  https: // www / KittieFight-110975747423209



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